Welcome To The  Ivy School

In 2020 the Movement for Black Lives shined a powerful light on the systemic violence of white supremacy and racism. The Ivy School participated in this powerful movement by working to center the ideals of equity and anti-racism in all that we do. The Ivy School community is committed to the process of implementing these ideals in our institutional policies and our daily interpersonal practices. Please read The Ivy School Equity Code .

Safe Return to In Person Instruction and Continuity Plan

Required Student Daily Health Check

Download the 2024-2025 School Calendar PDF

We use Synergy Mail for most communication. Which you can access by using Parentvue Please contact your teacher if you don’t have access. 

At The Ivy School

Learn more about Children’s House @ Ivy and apply.

After School information can be found here


USDA Non Discrimination: In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Pandemic EBT Benefits

Ivy School Policies and Guides

Please visit this page at the Oregon Dept. of Education and look for the link to the form 581-2282-M. Please either fill it in, print and sign (OR print, fill it in, and sign) then bring to the office with $5 either in the form of check or cash and we will process.

OSBA Ivy Student & Family Handbook
OSBA Ivy Staff Handbook

The Ivy School Policies:

Title IX:

Safe Oregon:
Safe Oregon is a program created for Oregon students, staff, parents, community members and law enforcement officers to report and respond to school/student safety threats


How many students are vaccinated PDF
Multnomah County Immunization Rates PDF

SafeSchools Training is an online compliance management system that allows schools districts across the state of Oregon to easily train staff members on school-related safety issues to demonstrate state and federal compliance with safety mandates. SafeSchools courses have been authored by nationally renowned experts, and has been endorsed by a number of school boards and superintendent associations nationwide. As an Ivy School parent, you are welcome to register to take suggested training for Child Abuse: Identification & Intervention and Sexual Conduct: Staff-to-Student. Contact if you are interested in accessing the Safe Schools training.

If a student or parent has a complaint regarding an event that takes place at school or during a school sponsored activity, the student or parent should take the following steps:

  • Try to resolve the problem directly with those involved, if appropriate.

  • The student or parent may seek assistance from a teacher or administrator, if direct problem solving is unsuccessful or inappropriate. The teacher or administrator will assist in resolving the problem to the best of his/her ability.

  • If the matter is still not satisfactorily resolved, the grievance may be taken to any board member, in writing, who will share the grievance with the whole board. The board will review the grievance and advise the student or parent of the steps to be taken based on the nature of the grievance.

The Ivy School welcomes productive problem solving and opportunities to improve our program; personal attacks on staff members or other students/families will not be tolerated.  When addressing a problem experienced at the Ivy School, please be courteous and respectful.  Good problem solving occurs when all parties are focused on the issue rather than on personalities.

Every student of The Ivy School will be given equal educational opportunities regardless of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, color, national origin, disability and marital status. The Ivy School may not limit student admission based on ethnicity, national origin, race, religion, disability, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, income level, proficiency in English language or athletic ability, but may limit admission to students within a given age group or grade level.

Students or families who believe they have been discriminated against or harassed based on any of the characteristics listed above may file a complaint with our Title IX Coordinator who has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies.

Our Title IX Coordinator, Jenea Dennis, can be reached via email at email or call her at 503-288-8553.